Monday 23 July 2012

A Bit of a Guilty Apology...

Hey guys,
Listen, I've been having a lot of mood swings recently. One little thing or insult can set me off, and I've just been acting like a b*tch. I don't know why it happens, it just does. So, I'm really sorry to anyone I've upset or confused or angered or any other sh*t. So, sorry.
Luna May x

Saturday 14 July 2012

Early Morning No-You-Can't-Open-Your-Presents-Yet Boredom

Okay, I have something very important to tell you. I'm only going to say it once, so listen carefully.
Actually, not much celebrating is actually happening at the moment. It's 6:30 in the morning, and I can't get back to sleep, so I've reverted to updating my social Internet connections.
So yesterday, me and the others went to a music festival in town. It was quite good (some of the bands were crap, but oh well.). Anyway, my friends bought me biscuits (yay! Food!) and an awesome t shirt ( it's yellow and has a baby chicken with glasses and a t shirt saying 'Chicks with Brains'. It doesn't sound too awesome, but it is, trust me.). We all walked home, and it DIDN'T rain (a miracle in itself). Soph came round for a birthday eve sleepover, so we watched HItchhikers Guide to the Galaxy (which has 3 Harry Potter actors and Stephen Fry in.) and Iron Man (with my perfect Robert Downey Jr.). Right at the end of Iron Man, we looked at the clock and realised it was about a minute until I was 14. Soph gave me my present (a book. Surprise, surprise. It looks good though.) and I fell asleep.
This morning, I woke up to find the words 'Happy Birthday To You!' written on my fingers in black eye liner. Mum must of written them when she came back from her bands gig.
I'm now off to see if I can convince my parents to let me open my presents at 6 in the morning. They won't, but it's worth a shot.
Luna May x

Wednesday 11 July 2012

Birthdays, Weather Mood Swings and Almost Dying of Boredon...Literally

Sorry, busy couple of weeks. I've been forgetting to update this every day. Sorry...again...
Anyway, we've had LOADS of rain. I mean tons. I had to swim to school (it was pretty cool, apart from the bit with the shark...).
But now, the weathers decided to be all bright and sunny. Just in time for my birthday (July 15th. Feel free to send me a present!). Now, I'm not complaining, but what's with the mood swings, Weather?
Anyway, this week is Project week at our school. Usually it's quite fun; you get to come in your own clothes, and there's no proper lessons. However, this time was different.
Actually, that was literal. The morning after, I was sick on the bedroom carpet. Then stepped in it when I went to clean it up. Ew. My friends all probably think I'm bunking off, but I'm not.
Guess what? I was right. I just got a notification off the Facebook, saying Rach commented on my status saying I was off today (but going in tomorrow.) saying that she knows I'm skipping school. I'm not.
Why does no one ever believe me?
Anyway, I have a last minute birthday eve sleepover with Soph on (you guessed it) my Birthday Eve. She said we should stay up till midnight so that she can say happy birthday to me first. She may be weird at times, but she's awesome.
Right, I'm off to find a good book. I need more reading material, or I'll be bored to death all summer.
Luna May x

Tuesday 26 June 2012

Darth Morgans Reign of Terror

Hello! (taken from the Mine Turtle song. Possibly the best song known to human-kind.)
Well, now exam week is FINALLY over, we have only one exam (Spanish Listening. I'm not taking spanish next year anyway.), and then we're home free.
We had a French Listening Exam yesterday. I was sleepy and very bored (like always.) when I distinctly heard a roar. I looked around...nothing there apart from my classmates, our teacher and a battered old tape player. As well as there being no source to the mystery sound, no one else had seemed to notice.
I looked at Soph and she was sat there...giggling? I laughed with her, not wanting to look like I was going more crazy than I actually am.
Then I realised. Sophie had a Jurassic Park dinosaur ringtone on her phone.
Also, now I have bright red hair. In response to the Darth Morgan Laws of Unfairness (which say we cannot dye our hair unless it's a natural colour and have to have it in a conventional style. Basically, complete and utter bulls**t.), I have dyed my hair red. And when I say red, I mean Florence + The Machine red.
Gotta go, I'm typing this up in DT and Miss Gall will MURDER me if she finds me on my phone.
Luna May x

Friday 22 June 2012

4 Reasons To Be Happy (Well, Today Anyway...)

Hello again!
I am ECSTATIC for 4 main reasons, which go as follows:

1) Exam week is now officially over! No more exams (apart from maybe some language listening tests.) and we only have about 3 weeks left (one of which is project week, where we wear what we want and don't have any proper lessons) until summer!

2) We got our Maths exam results back, and I got a level 7B, which is guaranteed to keep me in set 1!

3) All 3 pairs of my Harry Potter earrings are completed, and are now wearable!


Anyway, I've just had to walk home through a huge rainstorm-hurricane-type-thingy, so I'm off to have a shower, sit on the couch with a cup of tea and watch some comedy stuff and then getting ready for my Aunts 50th birthday party. She's from my dads side of the family, so I'm definitely not going to get any sleep tonight. These parties generally go on until 5 in the morning!
Luna May x

Monday 18 June 2012

The Felix Felicius Hypothesis

Hello again,
Quick update time again! I love these things.
Today was the start of exam week (sigh.) and we had a Spanish exam and a Spanish lesson at the end of the day (even more sigh.).
For the first time, I had revised loads the day before, but didn't feel very confident. When we got to start the test, I spent the first half thinking...
"Actually, this is quite easy. Why was I even worried? I'll be fine..."
Then I got to the questions written in Spanish and though...
Then my brain started randomly thinking about Starkid (awesome acting group in USA who do awesome YouTube shows.) and by the end I was humming 'Gotta Get Back To Hogwarts.' and daydreaming...a lot...

Tomorrow is the paper we've all been dreading; Maths. I need to think that I'll do really well (as said by Sophie.), like in Harry Potter and The Half Blood Prince where Harry pretends to put Felix Felicius in Ron's drink before the quidditch match, and he does really well because he has the confidence to do it. I need to get in that mind set. Anyway, I've revised LOADS, and am currently reading through the notes I made in my yellow notebook. Quite happy with myself.
Also, my birthday is coming up! In 27 days, I'll be 14. Yay! Plus, it'll be a week till the summer holidays. Even more yay!
Well, I'm off to sleep. Before my brain starts giving me random songs to hum....
Luna May x

Thursday 14 June 2012

Depression Week / The Odd Happenings of The Corner

Hello my little minions- I mean, readers!
Well, this is it. Depression week. Revision week. The week before the dreaded exam week.
HELP *gulp*
Anyway, quick update. We're sat in The Corner now, being as funny as always. Molly the Koala (aka. Tonks) is being strangled by Jono, I'm eating a cookie, and miss something-or-other just told us off for playing imaginary music.
Normal day then.
Luna May x