Tuesday 24 April 2012

The Exploding Chocolatey Angel Taste Sensation

Okay, I'm posting twice in one day. Of course I don't have better stuff to do. Anywho, hello again! I'm just sat in bed, eating Nuttella, and I forgot to tell you guys about our bus picnic! Anyway, the story is that the others had Food tech (see last post for more detail if you don't know what food tech is.), and me, Soph, Rachel, Skara (nice girl from year 10, awesome tweeter.) and Emma were on the bus home from school. For one thing, Soph had spilt double cream down her trousers and we all moved at least two seats away from her. For another thing, Rachel had tons of ingredients left over, and that included blueberries, strawberries, spinge cake, nutella and marshmallow fluff (the food of GODS. Basically melted marshmallow.). We all basically begged her for food, got food and were in heaven for the rest of the bus trip. I have a very accurate description of the taste of marshmallow fluff, nutella and sponge cake mixed together; its like a chocolatey angel died, went to heaven, went to hell, found a peanut, ate the peanut, was reincarnated on this planet and then exploded into tiny tasty pieces. Yep, that tasty. And whats more, Rachel let me keep the Nutella (hence why I'm eating the nutty goodness from the jar while typing this.). So, yeah. That happened. We have no idea where Mad Eye and Hagrid were though. Where were you guys? Right, I'm either going to sleep or read Harry Potter I think I'll read Harry Potter. Its better than boring old sleep. Luna May x

Lonely Day in The Corner

Hello people,
Anyway, it is quiet in the Corner. Frankly, that scares me. I'll explain...
You see, on a B Week Tuesday in our school, some of the group from the corner have double Food Tech/Catering/Home Economics/Whatever else they call cooking class. As our lunch is split into three lunches, the foodie class people went on first lunch and the rest of us went on third lunch. So yeah, pretty lonely.
In DT (which I have next) I'm creating Harry Potter jewellery. WOOHOO! Yep, Luna Lovegood radish earrings, deathly Hallows earrings, and lightening bolt earrings are going to be mine soon. And I'll go all Golem on them. My precious'....
Well, better go. But before I do, I have a YouTube channel now (cause Lauren Lopez told me to get one), but I need ideas for videos. Help anyone?
Luna May x

Thursday 12 April 2012

The Greatness of Monty Python

Hey people who just so happen to be reading this.
Guess what??? IT'S EASTER HOLIDAYS!!! Finally, you do not know how long I've been waiting for these 2 weeks to come. We're 3 days away from going back, and on the whole the holidays have been great.
But there has been a down side to the holidays; first of all, I have 4 pieces of homework due for Monday that I haven't even attempted to start yet (2 of which are projects, the other 2 are assessments, so I think I'm screwed.). Second, mum went into hospital. The poor thing had to have an operation ( I still don't know where or why.) and she stayed in hospital for 3/4 of the holiday. She was thoroughly pissed off yesterday, as she's had to stare at the blank wall opposite her for ages. Thankfully, shes home now.
Anyway, I've been out with Moshpot, Mad Eye, Hagrid and Colin/Crookshanks again today. We spent ages at the park, then went to ASDA and stared through the window of the hairdressers where Moshpot was having her hair done to freak people out. Then into the woods, where we all decided to climb a tree (Yay! Trees!) and then to the chippy. Chips are nice, but filling. I had about 4.
We had a massive and very funny conversation with Crookshanks' sister and Crookshanks' nieces (yes, she's an auntie.). One niece (I couldn't tell which, they're twins.) decided to try and become a dinosaur, and we roared at each other for about 10 minutes before she decided to try and bite my hand off. It was fun though, apart from the biting of the hand.
We've decided to do a Big Bang Theory style thing, and have organised a weekly movie night. Tomorrow, we're all meant to be coming round to my house to watch the legend that is Monty Python and the Holy Grail. Seriously, it's amazing.
Anyway, I think I've got everything. Oh, and by the way, J.K. Rowlings new book is going to be called 'The Casual Vacancy' and comes out on 27th September. I don't care if its an adults book, I'm still going to buy it and secretly hope it's Harry Potter; the adult years.
Luna May x