Friday 8 June 2012

Time To Catch Up...

Oh my wizard god! I haven't posted in a looooong time! Sorry!
Right, let me fill you in:
I have been having quite a good social life recently. My friends and I go to town every weekend, buying random things (mainly food), and it's awesome.
The Year 11's have left! I have loads of mates in Yr 11, like Charlie the American, Jack and Neil/Harry. They're going to college, leaving me and the others alone in The Corner. To celebrate, Voldemort/Megan/Bus Girl invited us all to her BBQ, which included random song-singing, fruit juice drinking and Toys R Us visiting (before we got kicked out because we weren't little enough. Idgets.). Fun day, but I drank WAY too much Relentless.
The Royal Jubilee was amazing! On Friday, while the others went to the Plugged concert, me and Soph went to see Snow White and The Huntsman. Brilliant film, I have seriously misjudged Kristen Stewarts acting skills. Then we had a HUGE pizza that even I couldn't finish (and that's saying something.)
On Saturday, we went to town as usual. It was now half term (finally!) so we had a week off to relax our brains before exam week. I'm still massively stressed about it. Help!
On Sunday, we went to Carrolls AwesomesuperninjadinosaurjubileepartyBBQ. Except it wasn't really a BBQ, since it rained. A lot. Still, it was fun. A cake fight, cleaning a mirror with gerbils and pushing each other off a wobbly UFO type thing are just a few of the things that happened.
Monday was Swagrids birthday (I'm still in the process of getting him 3 Relentlesses.). Soph got him a chocolate orange, Molly gave him a massive bottle of Iron Bru (which we all immediately raided from him). Chloe made us all look bad by giving him a Bacon Strips t shirt, a Thor hammer bookmark, film strips of Liam Neeson (Swagrids man crush), a She-Hulk comic book and a DVD of Orange County. We went to LA Bowl and showed off our terrible bowling skills (getting 3 balls stuck in the lane in the process) then crashed out in the park for bit and went home.
Me and Soph had a surprise sleepover at mine, where we watched Batman Forever (Jim Carrey was super awesome as the Riddler). Then I slept over at Sophies (where we had to endure her mums line dancing class), and the next day we went to the Walker Art Gallery in Liverpool. My parents must be the only people I know who have been to an art gallery and bought one of the paintings...(It's a Rolf Harris limited edition painting of The Cavern in Liverpool, where the Beatles first performed.).
Anyway, yesterday we went to the Coldplay concert in Manchester. Most overdue Christmas present I ever got! It was absolutely fantastic, and we were all singing on the way home. It's indescribable. That feeling you get after watching such an amazing concert, where you get all hyper and bubbly.
Anyway, gotta go. Charlie has decided to stare at me until I take him for a walk. I'm trying to avoid looking into his eyes, but it's really hard!
Luna May x


  1. Why is it that everytime you post something, i have to write a really long comment correcting things?
    First off, i would like to point out that idget is not a word. Idiot is, and so is eejit, but not idget.
    And Molly's party was never a bbq in the first place.
    And Dan's name is Dan, not Swagrid.
    Plus you finished your pizza, and it wasn't huge.
    As well, snow white and the huntsman wasn't that good, though i did like the dwarf sam.

  2. Oh sorry, miss I-have-to-be-a-jerk-and-correct-everything.
    Idget is a word that has been passed down through the Leatherbarrow clan for ages. My dad calls me that, and his dad said the same to him, and his dad...
    Molly named it that on Facebook a couple of weeks before hand, and we were calling it that in The Corner. If you had been listening instead of reading your kindle all the time, you would of known.
    Dan is called Swagrid so I don't get him mixed up with other Dans. Theres Dan from drama, Dan Thomas, my cousin Dan, neighbour-from-Wales Dan.... If I called them all Dan you'd get confused pretty quickly.
    My stomach is HUGE. Of course I managed to finish the pizza! Since when have I ever not finished a meal?
    And Snow White was amazing in my opinion. If I wasn't aloud to share my opinion, I wouldn't be blogging about it.
    Y'know, it's really annoying when you correct everything I say. I do blogging for fun, not to get bothered by you for spelling or how I give people nicknames. To be frank, it makes you look like a b**** and no one likes being corrected. If you're annoyed by what I put in my blogs, don't read them. Simple as.
