Friday 23 March 2012

The Awesomeness of my Slightly Mental Friends and I

Hello again!
I'm quite happy with this little blog. Keeping it as something to relflect upon when I'm older is a pretty good idea. Unless I suddenly find the Elixir of Life, which in that case will cause me to never grow old...
Anyway, I know I've been away for quite a while, but I haven't got much to do before scouts, so I might as well. Not much has happened that I can remember straight away, but I'll probably remember more as I type.
Well, last week, Soph left to go on holiday (which meant I had no one to explain maths to me.). She had a great time, and she got me a fridge magnet. But she missed an important invention...The Bottle Game! Basically, we all kick a bottle around. It's much more fun than it sounds, and has entertained us through many a lunchtime.
Twice, me, Hagrid, Mad Eye (Chloe, Hagrids girlfriend. Okay, stop wolf whistling. Go, you're sooo childish...), Colin (Rach's nickname, by the way.) and some others walked home from school. It was pretty fun, especially today. We all went to ASDA, bought some stuff and went to sit in a field over the other side of the bridge. We all just sat there for ages, laughing and talking. A massive bee kept trying to kill me, and we were all hyped up on Iron Bru and Relentless. At random moments we'd just collapse about laughing, and Hagrid accidentally spilt Relentless all over Chloes head. While she was trying to kill him, me and Rach grabbed Hagrids coat, bag and phone and hid in the bushes. They saw us halfway across the field and we all just chased each other round a field. Then we walked home.
But on the way home, I think we had an amazing moment which would be a proper tear-jerker in a film.
Imagine me, Rach, Hagrid and Chloe walking down the road. Hagrid and Chloe were holding hands (as you do.) and we were all just talking. It was beautifully sunny.
"I'm gonna miss this." I said.
"Miss what?" Rach said.
"This" I said. "Walking home from school together."
"Who says it's gonna stop?" Rach said. "We're gonna know each other for a long time. In fact, you all will be godparents of my kids in the future!"
"With those two being married." I said, pointing to Hagrid and mad eye.
"Chloe Weekes... Has a nice ring to it!" Mad Eye said.
Then I have to ruin it by saying "I bet Hagrid's thinking 'Oh crap, they're making wedding plans already! No escape!'"
Thats probably not how it went, but cut me some slack. I have a short term memory span.
What else? Oh yeah! Our Options choices (the subjects we want to do in school) have to be in by Wednesday. I'm still confused. This is, so far, what I've got:
For Reserves, Music Tech and Drama/Psychology.
I still can't choose!
Another thing. THE HUNGER GAMES CAME OUT TODAY!!!! YES!!! I really want to go and see it, and me and the others are going to go and watch it on Wednesday. I really can't wait! I loved the books, and Hagrid, if you're reading this, I only leant you those books. GIVE THEM BACK (please?).
Gotta go. I have to be ready for Scouts, and sitting at the computer typing isn't technically getting ready...
Luna May x


  1. How can you complain about not giving books back when you had some of mine hidden away for a couple of years? Why are you and everybdy else on the planet getting so worked up over these hunger games books? Ok, I read the first one and it was bad, but I've read loads more books better than them. Don't get me wrong, I'm still coming on Wednesday, but only because it looks like a good movie. God, the way you go on about it you would have thought that they had rewritten Harry Potter! Don't hold out long for those books from Dan, they're going to be gone a while.

  2. Cough Cough, I gave her those books back actually Silverfin, and to be quite honest, I never thought that Elara, I was enjoying the conversation, especially the bit where Rachel thought she would have kids, pfft, Who with?

  3. That was a burn for Rachel there.
