Saturday 25 February 2012

The Infuriating Maternal Conciousness

Guess what? I'm late for meeting my friends because Drama ran overtime, the traffic is absolute murder and now my mum wants to make me even later because she wants to go to ALDI. By the time she's come out, Dan will have texted saying it's too late to go anywhere, and I'll have to spend the evening doing homework. Which I REALLY don't want to do.
I'm starving hungry. I'll grab some biscuits at home before I go out.
Anyway, I auditioned for the main part in Drama (we're doing Legally Blonde. They seemed to think I'm perfect for it...which may be an insult....). I think it went okay, but I'm never sure on these things. Though I successfully acted angrily in my part. The poor guy I was acting with looked like he feared for his life! Oops...okay, less dramatic next time...
The weeks been okay. I was pretty sure what I was gonna pick for options - until Parents Evening came round and confuddled me again. Every single teacher said they wanted me in their subject! Now I don't know what to do anymore....
Gotta go, see you later!
Luna May x


  1. Excuse me! Why wasn't I invited? Its nice to be asked once in a while!

  2. You don't like Wandering around doing nothing, remember? Besides, it was at least 8 o clock when we met up, an we thought you wouldn't be aloud out.
