Thursday 8 March 2012

The Coach Trip Anxiety

Hello all!
Well, we're off! Going to see Inspector Calls with half of Year 9. We got on the coach about half an hour ago, and we've only just set off. I'm actually quite excited! It's been ages since I've seen a proper play, so although others may say it's boring, I'll probably quite enjoy it.
Poor old Rachel is stuck back at school. Oh, I forgot to mention, we get to miss half of the school day. But Rachel, Tonks and everyone else that isn't in Set 1 with the nerds is stuck back at school. I feel sorry for them, if I'm honest. I mean, it's going to be really quiet without the ruckus that is Set 1.
Soph had to be put on a different coach, with the Parks people I think. I hope she's okay. She'll probably be reading or something.
Whereas, with two seats to myself (using one as a foot rest.), sitting in the sun, and listening to the crap the people behind me are saying, while listening to Kings of Leon on my phone.
Ah, peace at last.
Better go, I need to join in the conversation at least once to let them know I'm still actually here.
Luna May x


  1. Weirdly enough, I was reading my book. What else was there to do? And how did you get two seats to yourself? I struggled to find one, seeing as I was last on the bus, and was stuck next to some guy I don't know and directly in front of that guy Jacob Was. (Or however you spell his last name)

  2. Hmm, maybe you could of tried TALKING to this guy you didn't know...
