Wednesday 7 March 2012

The Home Alone Scenario

Hello all!
Haven't posted for absolutely ages, so might as well.
Well, I've been home alone for quite a while. Well, not completely. I have had my mum when she's got home from work, but between school and then, I could do whatever I like!
Now, I know what you're thinking. Stereotypical Teens would go "Home Alone = MASSIVE PARTY AT MY HOUSE!", get trashed and be in deep plop by the morning. But not me. I go "Home Alone = Control of TV remote, food, music, games etcetera!" and spend a nice night in eating pot noodle and watching Big Bang Theory. That's basically what I did yesterday and today. Who says teens have to be wild?
Tomorrow we're off to see the play know as An Inspector Calls, in the glamorous town of...umm....
Okay, I've completely forgotten where in the world we are going, but at least we get to miss lessons!
Better be going now, The Harry Potter books are calling to me from the bookshelf...
Luna May x

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