Friday 22 June 2012

4 Reasons To Be Happy (Well, Today Anyway...)

Hello again!
I am ECSTATIC for 4 main reasons, which go as follows:

1) Exam week is now officially over! No more exams (apart from maybe some language listening tests.) and we only have about 3 weeks left (one of which is project week, where we wear what we want and don't have any proper lessons) until summer!

2) We got our Maths exam results back, and I got a level 7B, which is guaranteed to keep me in set 1!

3) All 3 pairs of my Harry Potter earrings are completed, and are now wearable!


Anyway, I've just had to walk home through a huge rainstorm-hurricane-type-thingy, so I'm off to have a shower, sit on the couch with a cup of tea and watch some comedy stuff and then getting ready for my Aunts 50th birthday party. She's from my dads side of the family, so I'm definitely not going to get any sleep tonight. These parties generally go on until 5 in the morning!
Luna May x

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