Saturday 25 February 2012

The Infuriating Maternal Conciousness

Guess what? I'm late for meeting my friends because Drama ran overtime, the traffic is absolute murder and now my mum wants to make me even later because she wants to go to ALDI. By the time she's come out, Dan will have texted saying it's too late to go anywhere, and I'll have to spend the evening doing homework. Which I REALLY don't want to do.
I'm starving hungry. I'll grab some biscuits at home before I go out.
Anyway, I auditioned for the main part in Drama (we're doing Legally Blonde. They seemed to think I'm perfect for it...which may be an insult....). I think it went okay, but I'm never sure on these things. Though I successfully acted angrily in my part. The poor guy I was acting with looked like he feared for his life! Oops...okay, less dramatic next time...
The weeks been okay. I was pretty sure what I was gonna pick for options - until Parents Evening came round and confuddled me again. Every single teacher said they wanted me in their subject! Now I don't know what to do anymore....
Gotta go, see you later!
Luna May x

Sunday 19 February 2012

Alien Racism

Hello again.
Haven't posted for a while. The reason behind that is...I'VE BEEN MOVING BEDROOMS! Finished now, and it looks amazing. Check it out.
Anyway, there have been several exciting things that have happened in my life over half term. First of all, Soph and me went to do some falconry. Now that was amazing. We got to fly barn owls and everything. Harry Potter, eat your heart out.
Next, we went to see Star Wars in 3D (but unfortunately not with pod racer glasses...). Now, I've never watched Star Wars, ( I know, it's an outrage.) but I spotted some alien racism in there. You know the scene where they're all having food at Skywalker's house, and his mum pours everyone a drink? Well, she doesn't pour anything into Ja Ja Binks' cup!
That, right there, is alien racism.
Gotta go, I'm meant to be doing homework. Much rather be doing this though...
Luna May x

Sunday 12 February 2012

The Sunday Boredom Symptoms / Little Advertisement Here

Damn it, whole thing just got deleted! Damn you Dad, stop distracting me! Anyway, just got back from swimming, and I'm now eating pancakes (I don't care what you say Soph, I'm still gonna eat them!) Right, I'm trying to work on a Dystopian story of my own (The opposite of a perfect world. Read The Hunger Games if you still don't know.). I'm trying to think up characters. Which is hard. Very hard. So I decided to ask you guys with your brilliant but slightly insane minds to help! Right, tell me these things about your characters.
- Name

- Age

- Physical appearance (clothes, hair etc.)

- Animal likeness (so if it was a bat, Bat wings. If it was a wolf, ,massive claws, wolf Ears and a long tail, and so on...)

- Personality

- Weapons (if any)

- Powers (if any. And at least 3 if your character does.)

- Anything else? (like history, special skill, the works...)

Thank you in advance! And Dan, what time is the cinema? And Soph, what time is the falconry thing? Luna out. Nox. Luna x P.S. Before Soph nags me to death about it, my friends (people i know, acquaintances, magic partners etcetera...) go to this website Soph has created. It's sort of like a private Facebook!

Friday 10 February 2012

The Half Term Hallucinations

At last! Half term! Finally, we have overcome the piles of homework, stress and frustration and made it to these precious few days of rest.
And you know what that means.
Okay, maybe not. But at least I have some awesome things lined up for the week. Wednesday, Soph is using her birthday present from me (two vouchers for a day of falconry), so we're going falconing on Wednesday. Then on Thursday, going to see Star Wars in 3D with Dan, Chloe and a couple of others. Dan's going to tie Chloe up and drag her to the cinema if she refuses to come. At least thats what I heard. Sometime in the week, I'm going to town with Emma (not sure why though as I am broke...). And on Saturday (this one coming and the next, and the next, and the next etc.),  I'm going to Drama. I love drama, it's amazing and so wonderfully random...
Went to see Chronicle with Sophie last night. It's a great film, recommend it to anyone. The different types of camera they use to film it and the home-made quality it has really makes it unique. Won't spoil it for you though.
I've ran out of things to write about. Shock horror! The world is in grave peril!
But before I save the world, I'm just gonna go and get another pancake.
What?! I'm hungry. You can't expect me to save the world on an empty stomach!
Luna x

Thursday 9 February 2012

The Drawing Duel

Okay, well not much happened at review day. Sir was saying that I was very intelligent, quiet, eager. Basically, a nerd. Also got told I could go to Cambridge, which excentuates the quote nerd. And also I just used the word excentuates. Yep, thats me. A complete nerd. Yay.
Today was awesome. Me and Hagrid had a drawing competition (which I have now nicknamed 'The Drawing Duel'.). I'm still not sure who actually one, but I'll upload the photos for the ones that don't have Facebook (eg. Soph.).

Gotta go, being forced off the computer by my dad. He obviously has something important to do. Better not get in his way, as he is a black belt in karate...
Luna x

The Alarm Clock Psychology

So, here we are again. Review day. The one day in the whole school year that you can come late, in your own clothes and leave after five minutes. I love it though. I mean, we get nearly the whole day to ourselves!
I don't think I need an alarm clock any more. I woke up - by myself - at 7:11 am. How is that even possible?! I am a teen, I usually don't bother to get up before lunch if I can help it!
Well, better go. We're up next.
Luna x

Saturday 4 February 2012

The Metaphorical Sock

Hello! Decided to post again before StagePro, it's been a while.
The title to this one is a bit unusual. So, as I sit here eating pancakes (which are delicious, by the way.), I'll tell you the whole story...
Me and Enola were on the bus talking. Enola is my friend from Yr 8, who just so happened to have a banana in her hand at the time. I don't know why, but younger kids really seem to like me. Like Rachel, my neighbour. Every time she sees me, no matter where we are, she'll come and give me a massive hug. It's quite sweet, really.
Anyhow, Enola told me about a problem she's had. Her friend is being a right idiot, and she wants to know how to get some sense into him. Now, d'you remember that Enola had a banana in her hand? Well, at this point, I pick it up and say "Get a sock full of butter and do this - " and then proceed to pretend to slap Enola in the face at least 5 times.
"Why is a banana like a sock full of butter?" she asked. I didn't know myself, but I decided to make the best of it.
"Well, it DOES look a bit like a sock - metaphorically, of course..."
Silence. Okay, I am officially going to be carted off to a mental asylum. When suddenly...
Enola snatched the banana off me and shouted "METAPHORICAL SOCK FIGHT!"
At least I'm not the only one who's mad. We did a 30 second 'sock' fight, before I died very dramatically and went to talk to Emma (you remember Emma, right?).
Okay, my pancakes are finished. But one thing. Beware, this is a very random thing
Colour of your trousers + Last thing you ate = your bands name!
This is mine:
Indigo Pancake
Which is a pretty cool name for a band. Try it! It turns out really funny sometimes!
See y'all, gotta go and get ready for StagePro...
Luna x

Wednesday 1 February 2012

The Thriller Novel

Right, last one for today. I've calmed down now. But the punching bag doesn't look too good.
Right, I'm trying to think of a new idea for a story. I like writing. NO ONE PINCH MY IDEAS OR I'LL DO TO YOU WHAT I DID TO THAT PUNCHING BAG!!!
It's about this girl who is sick and tired of her life. She's treated like dirt, she's not clever, she's invisible to everyone yada yada yada...Anyway, one day she's just pushed over the edge (not literally) and runs away. She actually goes all the way to London, but I'm not sure what will happen to her along the way. She meets a band of runaways who live under a bridge somewhere in London. I haven't developed this story far yet, but tell me what you think! I want to do some thriller/terror fiction storys, never done anything like that before.
Okay, that's all for today. Bye!
Luna x


Okay, clearing this up.
SIce you didn't listen to me the first time I told you, I DIDN'T TELL ANYONE. Soph found out for herself, she told you WHEN I SPECIFICALLY TOLD HER I DIDN'T WANT ANYONE TO KNOW! Neither of you listen to me. And if I'm your best friend, why do you tease me all the time, complain about me and treat me like dirt?
You know who you are.
Rant over.
Luna x

My First Entry (The Reprise)

Right, I'm starting this again. No more secrets. I'm just gonna tell you what happens in everyday life. Maybe no one will complain this time.
Sitting in The Corner. Look, it's so important it gets two capital letters in it's name! It actually quiet. Weird, eh? Like someone set a zombie lose and they ate all the peoples brains, then the zombie died.
Okay, now its noisy. And Scott the Seagull is pretending to be a camp german person. Now, I'm not racist, but it is very funny. It's also very hard to keep track of things in The Corner. Right now, Scott is eating pasta, Dan is doing the Annoying Orange impressions, and Chloe is annoying me by telling me to watch TomSka. See ya, people are starting to be nosy. And my friends are VERY nosy.
Luna x