Sunday 19 February 2012

Alien Racism

Hello again.
Haven't posted for a while. The reason behind that is...I'VE BEEN MOVING BEDROOMS! Finished now, and it looks amazing. Check it out.
Anyway, there have been several exciting things that have happened in my life over half term. First of all, Soph and me went to do some falconry. Now that was amazing. We got to fly barn owls and everything. Harry Potter, eat your heart out.
Next, we went to see Star Wars in 3D (but unfortunately not with pod racer glasses...). Now, I've never watched Star Wars, ( I know, it's an outrage.) but I spotted some alien racism in there. You know the scene where they're all having food at Skywalker's house, and his mum pours everyone a drink? Well, she doesn't pour anything into Ja Ja Binks' cup!
That, right there, is alien racism.
Gotta go, I'm meant to be doing homework. Much rather be doing this though...
Luna May x