Sunday 12 February 2012

The Sunday Boredom Symptoms / Little Advertisement Here

Damn it, whole thing just got deleted! Damn you Dad, stop distracting me! Anyway, just got back from swimming, and I'm now eating pancakes (I don't care what you say Soph, I'm still gonna eat them!) Right, I'm trying to work on a Dystopian story of my own (The opposite of a perfect world. Read The Hunger Games if you still don't know.). I'm trying to think up characters. Which is hard. Very hard. So I decided to ask you guys with your brilliant but slightly insane minds to help! Right, tell me these things about your characters.
- Name

- Age

- Physical appearance (clothes, hair etc.)

- Animal likeness (so if it was a bat, Bat wings. If it was a wolf, ,massive claws, wolf Ears and a long tail, and so on...)

- Personality

- Weapons (if any)

- Powers (if any. And at least 3 if your character does.)

- Anything else? (like history, special skill, the works...)

Thank you in advance! And Dan, what time is the cinema? And Soph, what time is the falconry thing? Luna out. Nox. Luna x P.S. Before Soph nags me to death about it, my friends (people i know, acquaintances, magic partners etcetera...) go to this website Soph has created. It's sort of like a private Facebook!

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